Build Your List, And Team
I've stated, already, that if you don't have a list you don't have a business. This couldn't be more true. The exact amount of time you've been trying to build an online business without building your list is the exact amount of time you have been wasting, thus far.

Believe me, I know. I've been doing this 10 years and the entire time I thought I could somehow become successful without building my own list of prospects. I was SADLY mistaken. Having a list is actually more valuable than having money. I'm just now beginning to take my list-building seriously. Do you see my opt-in box over there, on the right? Yep. That's me! You'd be on my list if you were to put your email into there and push that button underneath it.

I did begin to make a significant income a few years back. I actually hit a 7-figure-income status for a very brief period of time. (7-figure-status is basically when you are earning about $20,000 per week) When the company that I was in disappeared... well.. without a list, I had nothing at all.

By interacting with your list some people, over time, will turn into loyal followers.. and if you are good enough, they will become raging fans!! This is what you want. When people will look at or join things because you are recommending them to him or her, that is where its at.

Of course, these people will want to know that you are looking out for them and are not just looking for a quick buck. I know that YOU are not one of those people, though. You are a good person who wants to truly help as many people as you can in this world.
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